An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
Top Trump ally Elon Musk now has global media support in his sights, and the world’s dictators – Min Aung Hlaing included – stand to benefit.
BY Frontier
Min Aung Hlaing has been thrown a lifeline by China and is now under pressure to show results, but his planned election is growing less feasible by the day.
BY Frontier
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Aung San Suu Kyi vowed to increase transparency over the Rohingya crisis while pitching for foreign investment ahead of a regional summit in Tokyo.
One of the most important events in the Buddhist calendar leaves a bus traveller with time to count lots of hats.
Drivers visit a famous shrine on Yangon’s outskirts to propitiate its nat in the belief it will protect them in business and on the roads.
BY Su Myat Mon
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BY Ben Dunant
For 50 years, successive Myanmar governments have banned the import of foreign liquor but the only beneficiary has been the black market.
As the influential distilleries industry opposes lifting an import ban, the illegal trade in whisky and other spirits is estimated to be costing at least US$13 million annually in lost tax revenue.
BY Kyaw Ye Lynn
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Doh Athan
Doh Athan
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