An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
Min Aung Hlaing has been thrown a lifeline by China and is now under pressure to show results, but his planned election is growing less feasible by the day.
BY Frontier
Regime authorities appear to be increasingly abducting young men on the street or during household inspections to boost the number of military conscripts, while families and activists say bribes are no longer enough to free them.
BY Frontier
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For the fourth installment in our travel series focused on wild swimming spots, we venture into northern Shan State to hike to hidden jungle pools, jump from 55-foot falls (well, almost) and try our hand at some tranquil paddleboarding.
Myanmar’s Central Bank says companies will have to raise corporate governance standards before they can benefit from its decision allowing them to borrow from foreign banks.
Municipal workers and facilities are struggling to cope with Yangon’s rapidly growing rubbish output and civic-minded volunteers are stepping in to help keep the city’s neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
BY Su Myat Mon
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The greatest challenge in the peace process is transforming the hearts and minds of the Bamar majority, against the spectre of populism.
BY Ashley South
Municipal workers and facilities are struggling to cope with Yangon’s rapidly growing rubbish output and civic-minded volunteers are stepping in.
BY Su Myat Mon
The whiff of corruption hangs over a street market in downtown Yangon, where a family-led gang has run a rental racket for years.
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Doh Athan
Doh Athan
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