An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
Min Aung Hlaing has been thrown a lifeline by China and is now under pressure to show results, but his planned election is growing less feasible by the day.
BY Frontier
Regime authorities appear to be increasingly abducting young men on the street or during household inspections to boost the number of military conscripts, while families and activists say bribes are no longer enough to free them.
BY Frontier
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Myanmar Plas Print Pack and Myanmar Agrotek Foodtek exhibitions bring together 230 brands from December 15 to 18.
BY Frontier
A recent special announcement by the Internal Revenue Department targets illegal beer imports but some are wondering why it ignores black market wine and spirits.
The divisions in the Arakan National Party that prompted Dr Aye Maung to resign as chairman run far deeper than the 2014 merger that created the party.
A senior Htoo Group official says damage to wiring at the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel was the reason why some fire alarms failed to activate during a blaze on October 19 in which two people died.
Pathein is as famous for its halawa as its hand-made umbrellas, but inferior products have prompted manufacturers to agree on production standards aimed at protecting the quality and image of the sweet dessert.
BY Kyaw Ye Lynn
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BY Reuters
Village savings and loan associations in four Rakhine State townships are helping to raise living standards, empower women and keep usurious money lenders at bay.
BY Htun Khaing
Women’s groups in Kachin State say understaffed police with inadequate resources are hampering investigations into human trafficking and contributing to a crime wave in Myitkyina, in which women are often the targets.
BY Su Myat Mon
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Doh Athan
Doh Athan
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