An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
An executive order by United States President Donald Trump has halted foreign aid programmes around the world, sowing chaos among the humanitarian community and its beneficiaries in Myanmar and Thailand.
BY Frontier
Min Aung Hlaing has been thrown a lifeline by China and is now under pressure to show results, but his planned election is growing less feasible by the day.
BY Frontier
Regime authorities appear to be increasingly abducting young men on the street or during household inspections to boost the number of military conscripts, while families and activists say bribes are no longer enough to free them.
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Embraced by kings and freedom fighters alike, Myanmar's peacocks have long been a national symbol of pride and resistance, but they are becoming ever harder to spot in the wild.
United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon will attend a landmark peace conference in Myanmar this month.
Women in Myanmar enduring the misery of postpartum depression can expect to suffer in silence and one reason is a paucity of health professionals with knowledge of the illness.
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A last-minute decision by the previous government to recognise a Mandarin-speaking community as a Bamar group has generated controversy over one of the nation’s most sensitive topics.
Beset by internal conflict for the past year, Myanmar’s former ruling party is seeking to wipe the slate clean – by removing any trace of the Shwe Mann faction from its leadership group.
Myanmar has enjoyed rapid tourism growth since reforms began in 2011 but despite the industry’s importance to the economy it fails to rate a mention in the government’s economic policy.
The presence of a Chinese diplomat at a conference of Myanmar’s armed ethnic groups has focussed attention on Beijing’s interest in a successful outcome to the peace process.
The biggest nat festival of the year – an exuberant, boisterous spectacle that honours two legendary heroes who met tragic ends – was celebrated this month in a village near Mandalay.
BY Htun Khaing
Doh Athan
Doh Athan
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