Communities in Yangon live surrounded by garbage – blocking doorsteps, piling up in front of windows and clogging water systems. While much of this waste is homegrown, some of it was shipped halfway around the world.
BY Frontier
The UK's Foreign Secretary met with the State Counsellor as part of his three-day visit with the pair discussing economic reforms, trade and human rights, including the situation in Rakhine State.
A decision by the Yangon regional government to ban heavy trucks from the city’s streets during the day was blamed for a massive traffic jam on Strand Road yesterday.
Employers’ groups in Malaysia say the recent move by the Myanmar government to ban workers from going to the Muslim-majority country amid a deepening diplomatic crisis will have little impact on its economy, insisting that it can rely more heavily on migrant workers from other countries, including Bangladesh and Indonesia.
A draft law to replace the century-old Myanmar Companies Act will improve transparency and ease the burden on small and medium enterprises.
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