YANGON — Naing Ngan Lin, a parliamentary candidate in Thaketa Township in eastern Yangon and a member of the opposition National League for Democracy, was wounded after an attack by six armed men at roughly 9:30pm on Thursday evening. He is currently the representative for Dekkhinathiri Township in Nay Pyi Taw.
According to Thaketa Township police, six NLD members – including Naing Ngan Lin – were attacked by six assailants wielding swords at Manpyae Quarter in Thaketa. Three of the alleged assailants have been apprehended. Four NLD members were wounded, including Thandar Maw, his campaign manager, who suffered a broken arm. Naing Ngan Lin, who suffered severe flesh wounds including a severed tendon, is in stable condition, according to a doctor on duty at Yangon General Hospital, and will remain in hospital after surgery.
In the 2012 by-elections, Naing Ngan Lin was one of 43 NLD candidates that won seats in Parliament out of the 44 constituencies the NLD contested. Then just 35 years of age, he was the NLD’s second-youngest candidate in the race, and is the party’s candidate for Thaketa Township in the nationwide polls scheduled for November 8.
Ko Kyaw Zin Oo, the NLD joint secretary in Thaketa Township, told Frontier that he witnessed the event, and intends to cooperate with the police to expedite legal action against the alleged assailants.
Reporting by Mratt Kyaw Thu, Ann Wang, and Kyaw Phone Kyaw
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