Brewery stake valued at twice UMEHL’s offer, says Singapore’s F&N

Singapore drinks and property conglomerate Fraser and Neave says an independent assessment has valued its 55 percent share in Myanmar Brewery at US$560 million (about K653.5 billion), the Straits Times reported on July 23.

The estimate by the independent valuer was more than double the $246 million F&N was originally offered by its joint venture partner in the brewery, the military-owned Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, the report said.

The valuation follows a ruling by a Singapore arbitration panel in October 2014 requiring F&N to sell its share to UMEHL, which had accused the Singapore conglomerate of defaulting on the joint venture agreement.

The arbitration panel set aside the original valuation of $246 million and ordered that the sale take place at a fair price to be determined by an independent valuer.

The Straits Times quoted Huang Hong Peng, the chief executive of F&N’s beer division, as saying the independent valuation represented a significant premium to UMEHL’s original offer and “validates our assessment of the strategic attractiveness” of Myanmar Brewery, because of its strong market position.

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UMEHL said in statement last week that it disagreed with F&N that the sale should take place in US dollars at the 2013 exchange rate, the Myanmar Times reported.

F&N was taken over in 2013 by Thai beverages and property magnate, Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi.

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